Diatonic Accordion

Accordions are diatonic instruments, meaning each button produces two notes when pushed and pulled. Their switches (also known as couplers or registers) enable different sets of reeds to be utilized when activated; creating different sounds and timbres when engaged. Different languages have their own terms for accordions; for instance, Italian refers to it as fisarmonica READ MORE

How to Play the Piano Accordion

The piano accordion is an amazing instrument that can be used to perform almost any melody. From gentle tunes like “Love me Do,” all the way through to playing intense power chords that create an impressive background soundscape, this instrument is versatile enough for just about every musical scenario imaginable. The accordion was first patented READ MORE

Button Accordion

Button accordions are free-reed instruments similar to harmonicas in that one button can produce two notes depending on whether its bellows have been compressed or stretched. Although its sound possibilities are somewhat restricted, when played skillfully it can provide a wide variety of sounds. This accordion is known as a Garmon; a Russian diatonic single-action READ MORE