A Beginner’s Guide to the Piano Accordion

The piano accordion is a fully chromatic instrument which has become more commonly utilized in folk music over recent years. Renowned musicians like Karen Tweed, Sam Pirt and Chris Parkinson have demonstrated exceptional understanding and appreciation of its delicate nature. This instrument utilizes a system of single notes arranged diagonally chromatically that allow melodies to READ MORE

A Beginner’s Guide to Piano Accordions

Classical accordions employ “couplers” to activate extra sets of reeds for a richer tone. This creates an extended range that covers seven or eight octaves, making the instrument suitable for playing an array of compositions – making the accordion an integral component in many top conservatoires’ curricula. Piano accordions usually feature a more limited range READ MORE

Diatonic Accordions

A one row diatonic accordion, also referred to as the melodeon, features one single keyboard row of ten buttons with both treble (playing notes in limited keys) and bass buttons for producing root chords for specific keys. The accordion is beloved instrument among musicians of Irish/Celtic, Tex-Mex/Conjunto, Zydeco and Classical styles alike. Additionally, its versatile READ MORE